November 9, 2011

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

I've been a huge fan of Jerusalem Artichokes (aka Sunchokes) ever since I was introduced to them by my friend, Hannah. After seeing them finally appear at Larry's Produce, I decided to make a soup instead of roasting them like I normally do. I used this recipe found on Food Network, though I substituted greek yogurt for cream (since I didn't have any cream, and also wanted to make it less fattening). It turned out great, though a little curdled looking (my bad). Don't let that stop you though, try this as soon as you can!

ok, so maybe it doesn't look that great. but it was delicious!

I also roasted some beets, onions, and parsnips to throw on some salads. I love root veggies!

and...a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear mama!!

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