In case you haven't heard yet....
We (Sophia Teper and Shannon Fulton) are going to start our own nonprofit. Pretty big step, right? This is where we need your help. We're just in the beginning planning stages now (and maybe for the next year), but have developed a survey to get a sense of what you think about the idea, how you could be involved, and any advice you may have. Like we said, it's just the beginning stages...
A little about our idea: After working with each other just for a few months, we've realized that we both have amazing ideas that can be developed into something bigger. With Sophia's knowledge in marketing, web development, and general worldliness, and Shannon's background in nonprofits, social work, and the outdoor industry, we feel that our combined efforts can change our small portion of the Bay Area.
We envision taking East Bay area youth (Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, San Leandro, etc) on outdoor day/hiking trips in the area. Our focus is to introduce the wonders of the natural (and local) world to disadvantaged youth. We would develop a small curriculum for the students, and have the trips lead by volunteers with a variety of expertise (from Shannon's rafting buddies to Sophia's film friends).
Please fill out the survey now:
Please pass the word along to your friends!