November 8, 2011


a new quilting project

replenishing our pickle stock
banana bread
something special for baby Brooke
Though I may be unemployed, there's plenty of work being done around here! So far this week: using up my scraps on a tbd quilting project, pickles, banana bread, dog walks, deep kitchen cleaning, the (neverending) laundry, painting.....

Hard to believe it, but this is my 500th post. I started this blog 6 years ago when I moved to Boston (geeez....time really does fly!) In 6 years I completed my MSW, moved back to CA, met my husband, got married, bought a house, started an urban farm. Pretty amazing when I think about it...

1 comment:

Sophia said...

Love internet archives for that! I fill out a survey at the end of every year (have been doing it since High School) with the same questions to recap the year and it's always great to reflect back and see how far you've come!